Qualcomm Navigator Flight Control Interface  2.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\Nsnav_fciNamespace used for the Qualcomm Navigator Flight Control Interface project
 oCDisplacementDerivsStructure containing position along with its derivatives
 oCFlightControlInterfaceInterface to the Qualcomm Navigator Flight Controller
 oCStateVectorStructure containing position and yaw along with their derivatives
 oCWaypointStructure containing position and yaw along with their derivatives and some metadata
 oCLandingConfigStructure containing options for landing
 oCPlannerConfigStructure containing options for the Planner
 oCRxConfigStructure containing options for the RX thread
 oCTakeoffConfigStructure containing options for takeoff
 oCTxConfigStructure containing options for the TX thread
 oCWaypointConfigStructure containing waypoint options
 oCPwmCommandStructure containing the inputs to the sn_send_esc_pwm() Qualcomm Navigator API function
 oCRcCommandStructure containing the inputs to the sn_send_rc_command() Qualcomm Navigator API function
 oCRpmCommandStructure containing the inputs to the sn_send_esc_rpm() Qualcomm Navigator API function
 oCThrustAttAngVelCommandStructure containing the inputs to the sn_send_thrust_att_ang_vel_command() Qualcomm Navigator API function
 oCTrajectoryCommandStructure containing the inputs to the sn_send_trajectory_tracking_command() Qualcomm Navigator API function